Thursday, November 26, 2009

Our guides at Uluru

this is Robert. He was adorable!
Stevie is fantastic to travel with because he does it right. When we were to take a tour around the Rock he said we will get aboriginal guides. And so we did. There were 6 of us "whitees" and a wonderful family headed up on this tour by Jenny the mother, telling us the story of 2 serpents, one male and one female, and showing us the Rock features that corresponded with each detail. This, by the way, must have been a non- secret story, because so many of the Aboriginal myths are never repeated to outsiders. Robert, their son was a regular 5 year old , I would guess, interrupting, running around, smiling for the camera. Cameras--pictures, interesting footnote.
We were advised that taking pictures of aboriginals was rude and unacceptable. Jenny, at the start of our time together, said we had paid for our tour ($116 per person -3 hours) and we were welcome to take pictures. As we walked around the Rock, other tourists would snap a picture of her and she was warlike--stop! we are not animals! --

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