Sunday, July 19, 2009

the day is finally here

In just a few hours we are off to the airport. Our last full day in the States was wonderful. Blueberry pie, boat ride, and fishing with Terry and John. Next the best meal Stephen figures he has had in the US with Deanne and Art. And finally TV with Jess. I am ready!!! and very happy.

Friday, July 10, 2009

wedding planners

Let's go back a few steps. The BMan and I had so much fun at our wedding! Thanks to our wonderful wedding planners! It was perfect! and very colorful! exactly what we wanted!

50 years of friendship

I will miss my Mary Jean. Very much.

DC before we leave

The B-Man and I spent the 4th in DC. It was wonderful--I felt deep stirrings of patriotism and realized it was appropriate to see the dignity of the city before I headed to OZ. Wow! Free concert--heard and saw Aretha sing at the Capital ---magnificent parade and absolutely awesome fireworks.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

my bee truck's bigger than yours

When he told me he was a beekeeper, in Waikiki, on Halloween night, I liked him! No kidding! Moose Makillicudy's bar was getting scary, so I had asked for an escort out in the sweet Hawaii evening. The beekeeping thing was a so cool. Stephen has a passion for his bees. Eventually after we met I worked the bees in New South Wales and I rode in the best bee truck ever.

not in oz yet

In ten days, we leave---long journey---30+ hours. So sweet and loving of his brother and wife, they will meet us( as newly weds) in Canberra. So Kind!
More to do here in ohio though,and spots of tension and fear. Married, retired and moving to the Southern Hemisphere within 6 weeks!