Friday, January 29, 2010

Reading spot, Jinderbyne

Jinderbyne is in the Snowy Mountains. It's here our bees played/worked while we traveled 16 hours to the future (the US). I loved reading here--the sunset was spectacular. My Kindle has a reading light, so I was still reading as I glanced up to my gone-with-the-wind backdrop.

Plus (one added, free, amazing, delightful detail) the roos were slowly bouncing away as we rolled onto this paddock.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Back to sunshine, back to Australia

As soon as we got back , we needed to see, move and doctor our bees ( "the girls" as Stevie says).

The truck ride is bumpy. We have terrible hours, moving the bees only in the deep dark and the wee hours of the sleepy mornings, but the joy is in my reading spots. This is where I read for a few hours. I think that the best way to show my love for this place( meaning Australia, in general) and to demontrate my new documentation project, is to photo the places I sit and read. My sweet mom is afraid I am working hard, but really I am reading soft.

Sketchfest 2010, chicago

Stevie and I, with wonderful help from Jan, were able to surprise Emily and see her perform with her comedy partner, Hilary at Sketchfest.
They were so funny, so cute, so adorable.

Back is the USA

We went back to Ohio for Christmas. Actually, we went to Ohio,

Florida , Indianapolis and Chicago for ourHoliday break.